Hearing Voices and ‘Psychosis’

On The Web

Behind The Labelwww.behindthelabel.co.uk
Schizoaffective: Thought and ideas about leaving the label behind

Deptford Hearing Voices Servicewww.dhvs.freeuk.com
Information available in Turkish, French, Italian, Portuguese, German, Japanese.

The Hearing Voices Networkwww.hearing-voices.org
HVN (Hearing Voices Network) offers information, support and understanding to people who hear voices and those who support them. It also aims to promote awareness, tolerance and understanding of voice hearing, visions, tactile sensations and other unusual experiences.

An international network for training, education and research into hearing voices which works across the world to spread positive and hopeful messages about voice hearing experiences.

International Society for the Psychological Treatment of the Schizophrenias and Other Psychoseswww.isps.org
ISPS is an international organization promoting psychotherapy and psychological treatments for persons with schizophrenia and other psychotic conditions.

Listen to the Silencewww.royvincent.net
Includes a blog and extracts from Roy Vincent’s book about his experiences of voice hearing, aimed principally at informing, encouraging and helping those who hear voices.

This site is the realm of those that live with the reality of mental distress. It’s for those that live with voices, visions, distressing realities, the effects of trauma, the lows and the anxiety that life sometimes brings.

National Paranoia Networkhttp://www.nationalparanoianetwork.org/

The Network runs training sessions globally to professional bodies and all interested parties on how to understand a person’s paranoia and help them make sense of it.

National Voices Forumwww.voicesforum.org.uk/ahearing.htm
Run by voice-hearers for voice hearers. The site includes poetry, art, articles about mental health issues and advice on coping and medication

Pippa’s Worldwww.purplepippa.co.uk
A user-run site including practical support and guidance around hearing voices, paranoia and self-injury.

Sussex Hearing Voiceswww.sussexvoice.org.uk
The SHV (Sussex Hearing Voices) site is aimed at people who hear voices, as well as their friends and family. The site is full of resources around voice hearing, including newsletters, discussion forums and links to support groups.

Voice Collectivewww.voicecollective.co.uk
A site aimed at young people who hear, see or sense things others people don’t. Contains information, helpful coping strategies and a peer support forum. Voice Collective also run peer support groups in London, work with schools and provide free training.

In Print

Psychosis: Psychological, Social and Integrative Approacheswww.tandf.co.uk/journals/subscription.asp#subs
This journal fills an important gap in mental health literature, namely research focused on the psychological treatments of psychosis (e.g. cognitive-behavior therapy, psychodynamic therapy, family therapy etc.) and the psycho-social causes of psychosis (e.g. poverty, drug abuse, child abuse and neglect, distressed families, urban living, discrimination, rape, war combat etc.).

Benamer, S. (2010). Telling Stories? Attachment-Based Approaches to the Treatment of Psychosis. Karnac.

Blackman, L. (2001). Hearing Voices: Embodiment and Experience. Free Association Books.

Coleman, R., Smith, M. and Good, J. (2003). Psychiatric First Aid in Psychosis: A Handbook for Nurses, Carers and People Distressed by Psychotic Experience (2nd Edition). Fife: P&P Press Ltd.

Coleman, R. and Smith, M. (2006). Working With Voices: Victim to Victor (2nd Edition). Fife: P&P Press Ltd.

Corstens, D., May, R. and Longden, E. (2007). Talking with voices: The voice dialoguing manual. www.intervoiceonline.org

Corstens, D., May, R. and Longden, E. (in press). Talking With Voices. Fife: P&P Press Ltd.

Downs, J. (2005), Coping with Voices And Visions: A Guide to Helping People Who Experience Hearing Voices, Seeing Visions, Tactile or Other Sensations. Manchester: The Hearing Voices Network.

Escher, S. and Romme, M. (2010). Children Hearing Voices. PCCS Books.

Garfield, D and Mackler, D. (2008). Beyond Medication: Therapeutic Engagement and Recovery from Psychosis. Hove: Routledge.

Geekie, J. and Read, J. (2009). Making Sense of Madness: Contesting the Meaning of Schizophrenia. Hove: Routledge.

Geekie, J. et al. (eds) (2011). Experiencing Psychosis: First Person and Research Perspectives. Hove: Routledge.

Hammersley, P., Read, J., Woodall, S., & Dillon, J. (2007). Childhood trauma and psychosis: The genie is out of the bottle. The Journal of Psychological Trauma, 6(2/3), 7–20.

James, A. (2001). Raising our Voices: An Account of the Hearing Voices Movement. Gloucester: Handsell Publishing.

Jaynes, J. (1976). The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Larkin, W. and Morrison, A. (2006). Trauma and Psychosis. Hove: Routledge.

Leudar, I. and Thomas, P. (2000). Voices of Reason, Voices of Insanity: Studies of Verbal Hallucinations. London: Routledge.

Martindale, B. et al. (eds) (2000). Psychosis: Psychological Approaches and their Effectiveness. London: Gaskell.

Read, J., Fink, P., Rudegeair, T., Felitti, V., & Whitfield, C. (2008). Child maltreatment and psychosis: A return to a genuinely integrated bio-psycho-social model. Clinical Schizophrenia and Related Psychoses, 2(3), 235-254.

Read, J., & Gumley, A. (2008). Can attachment theory help explain the relationship between childhood adversity and psychosis? Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis, 2(1), 1-35.

Read, J., Perry, B., Moskowitz, A., & Connolly, J. (2001). The contribution of early traumatic events to schizophrenia in some patients: A traumagenic neurodevelopmental model. Psychiatry, 64, 319–345.

Read, J., van Os, J., Morrison, A., & Ross, C. (2005). Childhood trauma, psychosis and schizophrenia: A literature review with theoretical and clinical implications. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 112, 330–350.

Romme, M. and Escher, S. (1993). Accepting Voices. London: Mind Publications.

Romme, M. and Escher, S. (1996). Empowering people who hear voices. In G. Haddock and P. Slade (Eds.) Cognitive Behavioural Interventions With Psychotic Disorders. London: Routledge.

Romme, M. and Escher, S. (2000). Making Sense of Voices. London: Mind Publications.

Romme, M. and Escher, S. (2005). Trauma and hearing voices. In W. Larkin and A. Morrison (Eds.) Trauma and Psychosis: New Directions for Theory and Therapy. Routledge: London.

Romme, M., Escher, S., Dillon, J. and Corstens, D. (2009). Living with Voices: An Anthology of Fifty Stories. London: PCCS Books.

Smith, D. B. (2007). Muses, Madmen and Prophets: Rethinking the History, Science and Meaning of Auditory Hallucination. New York: The Penguin Press.

Watkins, J. (2010). Unshrinking Psychosis: Understanding and Healing the Wounded Soul. Melbourne: Michelle Anderson.